
Hi there!

I’ve been interested in survival vehicles for decades now, probably starting with my early interest in military vehicles. There’s nothing quite like a stripped down tactical vehicle to define “form follows function”.

As a person interested in survival, preparedness, hunting, camping and general remote area travel, I’ve had to purchase, design, build and repair vehicles. Sometimes in areas that aren’t exactly a workshop. To date I’ve owned and operated everything from military folding bicycles, to a Honda CT90. From Rokon Trailbreaker 2×2 mototractors to Honda XR400s. All sorts of light and medium trucks and cars too.

M35A2 6×6? Yep, got it. Old Chevy Viking flatbed truck with a straight six? Yep, did that one. Hustler 950 6×6 skidsteer? Scratch that one off the list too. Unimog, Dodge WC51 and 52, Scorpion CVRT, Chinook RV, vans, cars, pickups. Scratch them all off the bucket list.

Anyway, I like passing on things I’ve found. Hopefully it’ll help some of you out there that are just getting set up, or have been set up for years. I’m sure I’ll learn from you too!

See you on the trail!

-Greg Trent

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